Myelography is now a rather rare study where contrast agents are injected into the spinal canal and then X - ray or CT images are taken. From the distribution of the contrast agent it can be concluded if nerves or the spinal cord are being pressed in the spinal canal. Myelography is used to distinguish a recurrent disc herniation from postoperative scarring, for example.
Myelography with Postmyelo CT. In the myelogram (left) an indentation of the KM-column is being displayed. This corresponds to the disc herniation on the right picture below. In addition to presenting the various reconstructions of the CT-Postmyelo a herniated disc can be seen more clearly.
Now is possible by the application of magnetic resonance imaging, a 3D myelography without contrast agent and X-ray radiation. This study largely replaced the conventional myelography. Limiting but are metal artifacts, i.e. if someone has implants, such as artificial discs or fixatives, then again a conventional myelography with postmyelo CT the investigation of choice