Endoscopic disc surgery
The disc surgery is still often regarded as a dangerous interference. Through the improvement of the operational methods and the use of modern technologies, however, the risks and dangers of disc surgery are significantly lower than before. The disc surgery in particular the use of the endoscope, is a technique that quickly eliminates the problem, namely the herniated disk, and relieves the compressed nerve. Conscious patient are already in pain-free after anesthesia and are mobilized early. Therefore, an endoscopic disc surgery should be considered after a failure of conservative therapy.
History of disc surgery
The disc surgery has undergone a dramatic development over time, where two things have played a crucial role: 1. light and 2. magnification. For light, it is crucial to also get it in the right place of course. Normal operating lamps light well the surface, but not really the depth. This was improved with headlamps and optimized through the microscope. But the microscope’s light source is on the outside and the light passes through a slot into the actual surgical field. This makes it difficult to illuminate every corner.
Only the endoscope succeeds in bringing the light directly and without loss in depth and thus an optimum illumination angle without any trace of a shadow. In addition, the endoscope offers a wide angle, a desired magnification factor and a corresponding depth, increasing the operational safety substantially.
Furthermore, the development of monitors increases the operational safety, for its sharpness and detail have been improved. This is similar to the development of the TV. No one wants to exchange the sharpness and color brilliance of HDTV against a black-and-white- tube. And who ever has worked with the endoscope, would not want to abandon that.