Microscopic disc surgery in the cervical spine from the front

In the microsurgical operation on the cervical spine from the front, the intervertebral disc is reached via an approximately 4 cm long skin incision. Here, the esophagus and trachea are shifted to the center and the surgical field is kept open with a little lock system. Then the worn disc is removed and the incident illustrated in depth under the operating microscope. It can then be dislocated and removed with small forceps. Sometimes additionally bone attachments, so called spondylophytes are present that can narrow the spinal canal and nerves. These are removed with micro-milling. This reaches a decompression of the nerve root and spinal cord. Finally, the region is scanned with a nervous tick to ensure that no constrictions remain. The entire operation is performed under image intensifier control, i.e. it will always be checked where one is and whether all the constricting structures have been removed.
Then it is necessary to fill the resulting defect. This is ideally done with an artificial disc. If, however the conditions for the implantation of an artificial intervertebral disc are not met, for example, if the wear process is too advanced, then a so-called Fusion, i.e. a stabilizing or acampsia of the segment with a place-holder (Cage) is performed. Sometimes additional anterior plating is necessary, particularly if not only one level is supplied; otherwise there will be a risk of loosening or migration, i.e. of slipping.