Dynamic stabilisation
The process of spinal degeneration proceeds in stages, beginning with the wear on the discs. Here in early stages through drying-out (dehydration), it comes to a loss of elasticity. This calls for an enlarged range of motion of the segment and a greater load for the facet joints. There is often also a thickening of the ligaments in particular of the yellow band (flavum ligament). This may also cause a spinal canal narrowing, which is associated with significant pain. In many cases, a so-called decompression surgery with extension of the spinal canal is necessary. There is a risk that the spine is further destabilised by the operation and the abnormal movement increased. This should however be prevented. Before, the affected segment was then stiffened. Today, a dynamic stabilisation is possible, i.e. it will be tried to restore the natural range of motion.
Depending on the extent of degeneration, the dynamic stabilisation with different systems is applied as a treatment method.