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Osteoporotic Vertebral Fracture

Osteoporosis is a metabolic bone disease. By decomposing bone mass the bone loses its stability.

Women suffer from osteoporosis more often than men do. More than a third of all women over 60 years is affected. In Germany up to seven million people are estimated.

The most common cause of osteoporosis in women is estrogen deficiency after menopause; men being affected by osteoporosis by testosterone deficiency however is rarely.

Also common is the “age osteoporosis” from the age of 70. It appears in both sexes. At this age, especially years of little movement and deficiencies in calcium and vitamin D are the cause for the loss of substance.

Osteoporosis can now be treated effectively with medication. Nevertheless, there are repeatedly bone fractures as a result of late diagnosis, since the strength of osteoporotic bone is significantly reduced due to the lack of trabecular structure.

These trabeculae are crosslinks similar to the struts in the scaffold, crane or bridges, that give the system strength.

Gallery Osteoporotic vertebral fracture

Various sections of the skeletal system are at risk for different fractions. These spine fractures are of particular importance, as the posture is affected with the formation of a hump on one hand, and considerable pain to the other. This can significantly reduce the quality of life.

Vertebral fractures in osteoporosis can result Bagattelunfällen(?)(as slight bumping, jerky movement), or occur spontaneously. There are no serious accidents required.

Leading symptoms are very severe back pain. However, if the spinal cord or nerves are being compressed i.e. being pressed, it can also lead to neurological deficits with paralysis or even paraplegia.

The treatment is minimally invasive, the vertebral body is re-erected and filled with bone cement (kyphoplasty), or is filled with bone cement without erection (vertebroplasty), with a needle technique i.e. without editing. The pain can be eliminated immediately and the strength of the vertebral body is restored.

See kyphoplasty
