The spinal canal narrowing or spinal stenosis
Diseases of the spine are the most common syndromes in the modern industrial states. As a result of pressure and degeneration (wear) of the intervertebral discs with a loss of height, the spine can become unstable. The body tries to stabilize the spine by supporting reactions, i.e. strengthening of the bone, joints and ligaments to recover. However, this leads to the so-called spondylarthrosis (thickening of the joints) and spondylosis (changes of vertebral bodies) with the consequences of a narrowing of the spinal canal or spinal stenosis. This could be considered "collateral damage" since the body takes no account of the internal structures, such as spinal cord and nerves, in his quest for stability. The nerves have to “squeeze through” similar to the cat. This works for a while, but when the place is too small, the "squeeze through" will no longer work. There will be pain and failure symptoms such as paralysis and numbness. The so-called myelography, left of the cat, shows a state where the contrast column is indeed narrowed, but still flows. On the right the narrowness is so distinct that contrast cannot flow through. It comes to a stop of the contrast medium. This indicates the state of absolute narrowing of the spinal canal.
Depending on location, the symptoms are different. Read on how the spinal canal stenosis of the cervical and lumbar spine is noticeable.