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Nerve compression syndrome

Some nerves run through natural constrictions. Even slight narrowing at these points may affect the function of the nerves. This leads to so-called congestion syndrome.

Frequent congestion syndrome

Affected nerveRegionDesignation
Median nerveWristCarpal tunnel syndrome
Ulnar nerveElbowSulcus ulnaris syndrome

The most common of the median nerve is affected, which supplies the thenar muscles with nerves. The so-called “carpal tunnel syndrome” (CTS) affects primarily women in their 50th. In this prosess the scar tissue narrows the median nerve in the carpal channel. In the so-called “sulcus ulnaris”, the ulnar nerve is restricted on the level of the wrist or Ellen joint. Typical symptoms of nerve entrapment:

  • Stabbing e.g. pain triggered by pressure or tension
  • Numbness, tingling, problems of sensitivity

Especially for Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

  • Mainly nocturnal pain that may radiate to the upper arm
  • Sensory disturbances mainly in the 1st -3rd Fingers, "dormant" hands
  • Difficulties in fine work with your hands
  • Wasting of the thumb muscles (Spätzeichen)(?)

Especially for Ulnar Nerve Compression syndrome

  • Numbness in the 4th and 5th Finger
  • Weakness of small hand muscles and a fading of the hypothenar eminence muscle
  • Claw deformity of the ring and little fingers (Spätzeichen)
Surgery for carpal tunnel syndrome


The diagnosis of a nerve congestion syndrome is usually already revealed after the description of the symptoms and physical examination. For proof electrophysiological studies can be carried out.

Investigation Statement
Determination of nerve conduction velocity (NCV)delayed nerve conduction in the damaged section
Electromyography (EMG)Statement about the affected injured muscle, so-called “spontaneous discharges” are important