Back and neck pain

About 40% of the population in Germany is suffering from back or neck pain. This corresponds to approximately 33 million citizens. The causes of this pain are varied, yet the wear on the disc seems to play a crucial role.
An intervertebral disc consists of the soft inner core (nucleus pulposus) and an outer fibrous ring (annulus fibrosus). The optimal combination of soft core and the outer ring takes on the function of damping. In the course of life, however, the core is dehydrating, i.e. it is losing water and "shrinks" (like a grape that turns into a raisin). In MRI this disc appears black as a so-called "black disc".
Causes of this process are genetic factors, changes in metabolism and external pressures. This also means that some people get symptoms very early, others later, and some people do not get them at all.

In a healthy spine, all structures (intervertebral discs, facet joints, ligaments and muscle) are slightly under tension, thus the stability is maintained. This tension is ensured mainly by the discs. If the inner core however loses liquid, the tension decreases and the Faroese gets brittle and will start to get cracks (The Faroese has a similar principle than tires, when the pressure in the tube decreases, then the coat will break as well). This may push the nucleus pulposus (soft core) through the columns that incurred, to the outside causing the known herniated disc. The prolapsed intervertebral disc can press against nerves and ligaments and cause pain limited to the back, but can also radiate into the leg (at the lumbar spine) or arm (cervical spine). If the pressure is getting too much on the nerves, numbness or paralysis can also occur. Later on it can lead to an erosion of disc tissue and
thus to a loss of height of the disc tray. This can become a so-called relaxation segment. The facet joints and ligaments have a greater “playground”. The body tries to compensate this loss of stability and strengthens the vertebral joints and the vertebral body itself and it can lead to so-called spondylosis and spondylarthrosis with the consequences of spinal canal narrowing. If the body does not manage to “reinforce“ the spine, it results in various forms of
instability, such as degenerative scoliosis or
spondylolisthesis. Even the so-called
facet syndromeis an overstimulation of the facet joints due to instability and tension loss. The question is whether the process can be slowed down or stopped by minor repairs. Therefore, the treatment of spine disorders depends on a level scheme (see gallery). For each degree of degeneration (wear), there is a special form of treatment. It should be noted however, that any therapeutic measure must be accompanied by a consistent back training, that the stronger back and abdominal muscles provide the spine its natural tension.