Single project DFG (02/01/1996 - 06/31/1998)
Topic: Studies on neurogenic immune modulation by acute and chronic intracerebral administration of pro-and anti-inflammatory cytokines in animal experiments.
Project at the Board of Trustees CNS (05/01/1997 - 11/01/1999)
Theme: Systemic immunosuppression with increased risk of infection in patients with severe traumatic brain injury.
Project C5 within the DFG Collaborative Research Centre "The importance of non-neuronal cells in neurological diseases", SFB 507 (07/01/1998 - 31/06/2001)
Theme: Research on the communication between neural and immune cells by acute and chronic intracerebro-ventricular application of pro-and anti-inflammatory cytokines in animal experiments.
Cooperation with the Milenia Biotec GmbH (since 04/01/2000 - 06/30/2006)
Theme: Prognostic value of early IL-6 determination by rapid test for infectious risk and outcome in head-trauma patients.
Project B15 within the SFB 507 (07/01/2001 - 12/31/2004)
Topic: interactions between inflammatory processes in the CNS and the peripheral immune system: studies on the infection risk and prevention in a CNS-mediated systemic immunosuppression in a rat model.
Collaboration with Schering AG (02/01/2002 - 12/31/2003)
Theme: Studies of gene expression patterns in brain tissue after traumatic brain injury.
Project within the DFG Priority Programme immune and metabolic modulation in severe tissue trauma, SPP 1151 (08/01/2003 - 08/01/2005)
Topic: interactions between local and systemic immune response after a controlled cortical impact injury in the rat model.
Cooperation with Aesculap AG (09/01/2003 - 01/07/.2005)
Theme: Research on the fusion rate in implantation of the Bandscheibeninterponate Cespace and Prospace to the cervical spine and lumbar spine.
Part project within the DFG priority program Medical Navigation and Robotics (SPP 1124) (12/01/2003 - 12/01/2005)
Theme: Navigated Imaging and position control for the milling in the Wirbelsäulemchirurgie.
Cooperation with Trans Tissue Technologies GmbH (10/01/2005-10/01/2010)
Theme: Studies of the possibilities of a spinal disc regeneration using cell-free grafts in the rabbit model.
Project at the Investment Bank Berlin (01/01/2007-01/01/2012)
Theme 1: DiscTissue - implantation techniques and patient selection for biological disc regeneration.
Theme 2: Endoscopic transplantation of cell-free “Bandscheibeninterponate” a sheep model.